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Sleepytime Remote Reiki Healing (3 sessions)


Reiki is a natural healing energy that works on every level, not just the physical, and is understood to promote the body’s regenerative self- healing ability. Your three light-touch sessions take place on consecutive evenings with you fully protected and grounded by me before and afterwards. I will also send you the energies of essential oil of lavender and sleep promoting crystals.

I will programme it to start as you turn out your light to sleep, but having set the intention to receive this light-touch healing you may feel more relaxed in the lead up to bedtime as well.

Many people find that this service promotes a relaxed sleep and they wake more refreshed.

Upon purchasing this session I will email you to let you know the evening your sessions will start.

I will be available for ongoing email support. This listing is for 3 sessions, and you can get ongoing benefit, but if you would like to book a longer block, please contact me.

You must take full responsibility for your own wellbeing. Energy work like Reiki is not a replacement for medical advice or treatment.

I am required to state that this service is for entertainment purposes only. Please email me if you require further clarification.

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